Facts that surrounds us:
* The four religions born in India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.
* The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
* India is one of the few countries in the World, which gained independence without violence.
* India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.
* India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
*In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
*A quarter of Russia is covered by forest.
*The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
*An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 sent the Mississippi River backwards.
*The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
*There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
*"Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
*In Greene, new york, you cannot walk backwards and eat peanuts on the sidewalk during a concert.
*In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 cam be jailed for cheating on their finals.
*In Calama, a town in the Atacama Desert of Chile, it has never rained.
*In the United States there is one birth every 8 seconds and one death every 14 seconds.
*In the White House, there are 13,092 Knives, forks, and spoons.
*Ireland is the only place where windmills turn clockwise.
*It take 8.5 minutes for light to get from the sun to the earth.
*It takes a yard of sugarcane to make one sugar cube.
*It took engineers 22 years to design the zipper.
*Leonardo Da Vinci could write with one had and draw with the other at the same time.
*A person at rest generates as much heat as a 100watt lightbulb.
*Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952.
*Alexander the Great was an epileptic.
*Less than 7% of the population donates blood.
*Less than 2% of the water on Earth is fresh.
*Li is the family name for over 87 million People in China.
*Lightning strikes the earth about 6,000 times per minute on this planet.
Facts about some Creatures:
*Lobsters have blue blood.
*House flies have a lifespan of two weeks.
*Chimps are the only animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror.
*Starfish don't have brains.
*Shrimp's hearts are in their heads.
*Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time.
*A Crocodiles tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth.
*A group of owls is called a parliament.
*A snail can have about 25,000 teeth.
*A group of toads is called a knot.
*A whales heart beats only nine times a minute.
*A zebra is white with black stripes.
*A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
*A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
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