Sunday 30 October 2011

Can Twist Your Mobiles

Friends the first flexible phone prototype is now shown for real. Yes, it is indeed true. Who has done it you ask?? Well it is Nokia. They have done some pretty impressive stuff with thie mobile gadget and they are calling it the “Kenetic Device”. You can find this prototype at Nokia World in London.

Prototype by Nokia

They has shown off a flexible mobile you twist and bend to control and also a special coating that can be applied to gadgets to repel water, oily fingerprints, dust and dirt.

The flexible Nokia Kinetic prototype comes from Nokia's research centre and although the company has not made public plans to implement the technology into any of its mobiles, it shows punters a glimpse into what the future of mobile phone technology might look like.
Separately, the superhydrophobic coating demonstrated on a Nokia 700 mobile showed how mobiles of the future could be made to repel water by applying the thin coating. "We could coat the exterior and the interior of the phone so we can make it water resistant," a Nokia spokesman told Fairfax. "It's also a dirt and dust repellent... [and] some surfaces are also oil resistant. So the oil from your fingerprints won't show up as much."


Ruhani Chawlia said...

you and your blog are so damn awsome!!

Nami ta Singla said...

thanx buddy:)keep following:)love ya <3