Sunday 4 September 2011



Near the village, along the road was a large tree that had small leaves. As I look around and see trees with large leaves, our tree was always unhappy. He longed to have large leaves. Seeing him so sad, God granted his wish!
However, the large leaves attracted the villagers whom pulled out for use as food packaging and storage. The tree was soon stripped and sad again.The fact that they use the leaves for this purpose so angry at that, once more, prayed fervently for a change: wanted leaves valuable as gold. Again, the wish was granted!

The villagers, seeing these bright golden leaves of the uprooted. All rich, but the tree was sad and angry. Leaves wished that people do not dare to boot. Therefore, he prayed to have sheets of glass with sharp edges. Now no one could touch.

It happened that one day the wind was very strong and the tree began to move from side to side. The panes were broken and hurt the tree in several places. The tree felt a deep sorrow and wept in vain.

It was then he realized that it is better to be happy with what you have rather than wanting worldly things. Satisfaction brings happiness. Desires are the cause of dissatisfaction.

He repented and prayed to have the original size of its leaves. And that desire does God granted it.

1 comment:

The girl in the veil said...

seriously, contentment is the only key to making your life worth living. In a way, we cease the mobility of our life the moment we start running after something. If you want to see life being life like, stay satisfied...
that's it :-)